About Us

Product Range

Tea and Coffee

ChaiByEngineers takes pride in its wide variety of teas and coffees, ranging from classic chai blends to exotic coffee brews. The menu includes specialty drinks, iced beverages, and customizable options to cater to diverse tastes.

Snack Options

ChaiByEngineers offers a delectable range of snacks, including sandwiches, burgers, fries and maggi, ensuring there's something for every palate. The menu is designed to be flexible, accommodating regional preferences and dietary requirements.

Concept and Brand Identity

ChaiByEngineers is a unique and vibrant café franchise that caters to tea and coffee enthusiasts, offering a diverse menu that includes sandwiches, burgers, maggi, and other delectable snacks. The brand positions itself as a haven for both students and professionals, providing a cozy environment for relaxation and productivity.